Computations by Mobile Entities

(Agents, Robots, Sensors)

June 11-15, 2007, Pisa


The  meeting is organized over a one week period. The first part of the week will be comprised of (i) lectures outlining the major research areas within Computation by Mobile Entities (Agents, Robots, Sensors), (ii) presentation of open problems, and (iii) team research on open problems. The second part of the week will be devoted to unstructured research activities.


Unlike traditional conferences and workshops, the goal of the meeting is not to announce results but rather to produce some. In particular, the goal of the meeting is to pinpoint  the more  interesting open research problems in Computations by Mobile Entities (Agents, Robots, Sensors) and to make a concentrated effort towards their solution.


To achieve this goal,  in addition to experienced researchers in the area, participants will also include experts in other disciplines (algorithms, distributed computing, ...), who might be unaware of the current research activities in  Computation by Mobile Entities and can thus offer novel ways of viewing things and approaching the problems.


Because of the special nature of the meeting the number of participants  is limited.


The meeting will be held at the Dipartimento di Informatica (University of Pisa) . For registration, please send an e-mail to pagli@di.unipi.it, no registration fee is required.


Speakers: Shantanu Das, Paola Flocchini, Flaminia Luccio, Giuseppe Prencipe, Nicola Santoro.

Program: Monday and Tuesday: 10-12, 15-17 tutorials; 12-13, 17-18  exercises. Wednesday: 10-12 Open problem presentation. Thursday 10-18 and Friday 10-13 Open problems discussions.