Miniworkshop on Confocal and near-field polarization applications.
Physics Department, University of Pisa
Pisa 26, 27 28 May 2009
May 26 10 am
Hayk Harutyunyan, Graduate School Galileo Galilei, Pisa University
Exited state dynamics of individual single-walled
carbon nanotubes
May 27 3.30 pm
Ruggero Micheletto, Dept. of Basic Science, International College or Art and Science, Yokohama City University, Japan
Japanese research in Nanotechnology: Kyoto University and Yokohama
City University research topics and applications
I will give an introduction to the topics I am involved in my
research in Japan. Three main research themas will be described. The
first will concern the study of unstable optical emission in solid state
Indium Gallium Nitride materials. These materials are used to realize
LEDs and Lasers. I will describe the structure of these samples, how
they work and their peculiar, unstable optical properties. We also study
the Quantum Dots present in these optical material with special
polarization modulation techniques. I will describe the experimental
method as well as the intriguing results obtained on Indium Gallium
Nitride materials. Finally I will give a brief introduction to
life-science related topics, that are recently taking more and more
importance in the Japanese scientific scene.
May 28 3.30 pm
Francesco Tantussi, CNISM, Pisa University
Polarization Modulation in Near Field Optical Microscopy:
Experimental applications